- Disability Rights
- General
The Global Disability Summit 2022 is over and many commitments have been made. Now the real work begins. Disability inclusion is everyone’s business, so let’s get cracking. Here are 12 practical tips, no matter what your role!
For Governments and their partners
- Make your commitments at the Global Disability Summit count, by ensuring swift implementation and sound monitoring.
- Join the Global Action on Disability (GLAD) Network. Bringing together institutional donors, foundations and the disability movement, it is a crucial alliance.
- Use the disability inclusion marker of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) as a tool to assess and strengthen your inclusion track-record.
- Provide dedicated space for people with disabilities to bring their expertise in policy, planning and decision-making.
“We need more space, more funding and more data. OPDs need to be recognised as meaningful partners. Nothing about Us, Without Us. But every possible agenda is about us. So simply, we are asking for NOTHING WITHOUT US!”
Yannis Vardakastanis, International Disability Alliance, speaking at the Global Disability Summit
For development and humanitarian organisations
- Build strong partnerships with OPDs (Organisations of People with Disabilities).
- Consult experts with disabilities in your planning, programmes and implementation – as a rule, not an exception.
- Budget for inclusion in all your programmes and include disability in your statistics and monitoring.
Helpful tools to guide you: “How to include persons with disabilities in disaster response”, “Aid out of reach”, and the Inclusive Futures resource collection.

For employers
- Create inclusive and accessible work environments which welcome colleagues with disabilities. This guide can help you.
- Proactively hire people with disabilities, at all levels of your company.
- Connect with initiatives such as InBusiness Kenya, Make 12.4% Work Uganda and the ILO Global Business and Disability Network.

For you and me and everyone
- Learn how to talk respectfully about disability. Be conscious about bias, stereotypes and intersecting discrimination that might affect people with disabilities.
- Make your own social media communication inclusive and accessible, with this toolkit from EDF.